The news weekly “barely struggles against its bias towards conservative women to view them with anything other than contempt,” wrote Dana Loesch, editor in chief of Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin attacked Brown’s picture choice for the Republican Minnesota congresswoman and presidential candidate. “You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged ‘crazy eyes?’ Really?”
Jonathan Capehart wrote on the Washington Post Web page, “There’s no denying that Bachmann firmly believes what she believes. Some might think she’s crazy because of it. Cover photos like this one help to cement that image.”
Bloggers leapt in to criticize the magazine. Jedediah Bila called Newsweek “an absolute joke,” while Ed Morrissey said of the Queen of Rage line “Yeah, that’s keeping it classy.”
Freedom’s Lighthouse blog asked, “Can anyone really say with a straight face that the Mainstream Media is not totally biased against conservatives?”
Even the left was outraged. “I hate it when Michele Bachmann makes me defend her,” wrote Slate’s Jessica Grose. “The Newsweek cover was unnecessarily unflattering. I doubt Newsweek would portray a male candidate with such a lunatic expression on his face.”
And showbiz blog The Frisky added, “I’m sure Rep. Michele Bachmann, a Tea Party candidate who is running for president, was thrilled when she heard she’d be on the cover of Newsweek. I am also sure her campaign is freaking out right now over this picture.
“Could the magazine have possibly found a photo that makes her look more nuts?”
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