Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Make Way For The Marco Rubio Birthers

My, my, look what we have here: Marco Rubio Birthers crawling out from under their collectivist rocks, sensing it’s payback time for the Birthers who have been challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility for more than three years.
But there’s a huge difference between these two Birther groups. Notwithstanding the insistence of even Fox News commentators to wave aside the question of Obama’s birth certificate, the reality is that to this day, no one has seen proof that Obama was born in the United States.
For a long time, I rated it about 75 percent to 25 percent that Obama was born in Kenya, for one reason and one reason only: If his citizenship were such an issue, there was no plausible reason for him not to do everything possible to make certain that representatives of all media outlets had access to his original long-form birth certificate. Instead, he stonewalled — hard — for nearly three years.
If you or I were President of the United States and millions of people were questioning our birth status, is there any doubt in your mind that we would demand that our birth certificates be made available for everyone to see in order to put the issue to rest once and for all?
But it got worse. When Obama suddenly decided, just a few weeks before Jerome Corsi’s book Where’s the Birth Certificate? was due out, to publish his long-form birth certificate on the Internet, my 75-25 odds shot up to 95-5.
That’s right, while many Americans embraced a “See, I told you so” attitude, I became more suspicious rather than less, because I asked myself: “Why the sudden urgency? Why did Obama choose this moment in time to make available what millions of people had been asking to see for three years?”
As to the dispute about whether the PDF image of Obama’s purported birth certificate is layered or was in any other way tampered with, I’m not hi-tech enough to opine on that issue. I’d prefer to just stick with the most obvious question: Why would Barack Obama not be eager to make a hard copy of his birth certificate available for all to see?
For whatever it’s worth, in April of this year, Barack Obama actually requested, and received, two certified copies of his original certificate of live birth from the Hawaii Health Department. I won’t speculate on the reason for this… just calling it to your attention.
Look, I’m neither a Birther nor a believer, but I am a skeptic whenever I smell smoke — and smoke is something that perpetually comes out of Obama’s mouth. Based on his track record of telling the biggest whoppers imaginable with a completely straight face, why should I believe anything he says?
Nevertheless, I’ll leave it on an even-handed note and admit that future investigations — perhaps years after you and I are gone — may prove that Barack Obama was a legitimate citizen of the United States or may prove that he pulled off the biggest scam in U.S. presidential history.
Now, back to the Marco Rubio Birther issue. Unlike Barack Obama, Rubio doesn’t have a mysterious past filled with unanswered questions. He has also been consistent in preaching the gospel of capitalism, entrepreneurship, low taxes, less regulation, less borrowing and the greatness of the American way of life.
In other words, Rubio has never even so much as implied that he wants to fundamentally change America. If anything, his words indicate he favors returning the United States to its founding roots.
Whether Rubio is eligible to be President of the United States gets down to a Constitutional interpretation, which is always a tricky issue. The problem is that the Constitution does not define the term “natural-born citizen.” Though both Bobby Jindal’s and Marco Rubio’s parents were legal residents of the United States at the time of their sons’ births, none of them became citizens until after their sons were born.
All this reminds me again why I believe the Constitution needs to be redrafted, for clarification purposes only, by Constitutional scholars, preferably strict constructionist constitutional scholars.
Among the items that need clarification are the general-welfare clause (Article I, Section 8, not to mention the use of the term general welfare in the Preamble to the Constitution), the 2nd Amendment (needs an “and” before “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”), and the 14th Amendment (clarifying that it was intended to cover the children of former slaves, not illegal aliens).
Realistically, however, this isn’t going to happen anytime soon, and, if it did, I would be concerned about who would be doing the redrafting.
In the meantime, pundits and politicians will have a field day if Marco Rubio is selected as the Vice Presidential nominee for the Republican Party. And Chairman Obama might not be eager to see that happen, because it would, quite naturally, bring his own birth issue back into the limelight.
My hope is that Herman Cain will get the nod if he can’t win the nomination, which not only would put the Marco Rubio Birther issue on the back burner for now, but would surely be a fatal blow to Obama’s hopes to finish the job of fundamentally transforming America into a collectivist hell.
Hmm… why do I have this feeling that if Maxine Waters were to read this article, she would tell me, in that soft and gentle voice of hers, that I can go straight to hell? Probably just a bit of paranoia on my part.

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